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Should be integrated, as there are constantly exist differente messages in all contexts and in the academic exist a textual production that is frecuently and a communication in the world, in which language always is there; in digital world, in the printed text, in objects, etc.

Multimodality= Modos

Gunter Kress (2005) the author propose that communication occurs through differents modes of signification as text, images, sounds, music, etc. then for understand the meaning of communicative act must to take into account all modes use in it and can not be studied in isolation, because they are closely related

By Gunther Kress



  1. Is a "Integration"--->meaning

  2. Language---> Linguistic (word)

  3. Grammar

  4. Mode:













​Is neccesary and important for me can integrated these different modes for to motivate my students in the classroom, is a form to communication and a form to sending a message, and help to have a better learning when these modes are included.

with these  designs is can to make various activities in the classroom with the students, then it is part of the learning of every person.

Is important as a future language teacher to use the modes for the transformations, "the formation of people always is continous"

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